
Spiderman duel of the hunters
Spiderman duel of the hunters

spiderman duel of the hunters

This will be the first outing for this Marvel villain on the big screen. Among the things confirmed at Marvel’s SDCC panel were the casting of beloved actor Michael Keaton and the revelation that the movie’s antagonist would be none other than The Vulture. His next big screen outing, Spider-Man: Homecoming, is set to come out in July of next year and was featured prominently at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.

spiderman duel of the hunters

Although the Sony/Marvel Studios crossover had been confirmed for months, it didn’t matter - Seeing Ol’ Webhead alongside the likes of Iron Man and Captain America was enough to send even the most casual of fans into a flurry of joy. When Spider-Man appeared in the final trailer for Captain America: Civil War, Marvel fans went crazy.

Spiderman duel of the hunters